Monday, January 30, 2017


I realized last night that I have basically neglected this blog forever. It's easy to do when you're not crafting and your blog is primarily supposed to be about crafting. It's easy to do when you have all th busy-ness of pregnancy and a new baby keeping you away from everything else for about two years. And then that baby becomes a toddler and starts sleeping through the night and taking long naps, so you start to catch up on everything that you didn't do from the time you hit your third trimester until you stopped being 100% exhausted every day.

And then 2016 happened. What a miserable year!

A year or two ago, I started a blog post about why I would never give up Facebook for Lent. Now, I'm not so sure I'll still have an account in a year. People are not using it for intelligent or civil discussion. I know I'm guilty of sharing politics on Facebook, but I try to keep it intellectually honest and overwhelmingly civil when I do.

I still have a lot of thoughts I want to share with the world, so I think now might be the time to start to start getting serious with my blogging. And if that means refocusing what this blog is about, so be it. And if it means I need to craft more so I have a reason to blog, so be it.

I'm looking forward to sharing so much more with you in 2017.

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