Dear Hudson,
Last week, you turned two. I started writing this letter to you more than a week before your birthday, and yet, here I am, still working on it more than a week later. I feel like maybe typing this isn't the best way to go about writing your second birthday letter, but it is what it is. I think a handwritten letter would be more personal, but also probably a big mess of revisions and extra notes.
Today, I cannot imagine what my life would look like without you in it. No one would be announcing the presence of "poppies" or "geeee-tees" every time a dog or cat passed our house. No one would be pointing out the "panes" flying overhead when I was in the backyard, which would admittedly be very rare if you weren't here. No one would be snuggling with me in the afternoons and watching "Planes" or "Cars" or "Finding Dory." With Daddy having just become a captain and spending more time away from home, my life would be very lonely without you in it.
You love everything right now. When I went to order your birthday cake last week, I ended up having to say I wasn't ready to order because you would have been thrilled with any option I chose. Batman, Curious George, Dory, Elmo, Lightening McQueen, and Thomas the Tank Engine were all options, and all of them regularly grace our television screens. Dory finally won out because we watch that the most, and the movie is still very popular right now.
Bubbles, Duplo blocks, small stuffed animals, and crayons are some of your favorite things to play with. You will easily spend an hour or two at the playground, and I know you're going to love having the pool open again in a few weeks. You love to color outside with chalk, so it's a good thing that the Easter Bunny dropped off some new colors last week. I know it would be the best day of your life if the cats would let you hold them, but right now, you've got a little too much energy for them to feel comfortable around you.
You are very tall for your age. You somehow missed out on any baby chubbiness. You've always been long and lean. People sometimes think you're closer to three or four years old, but I assure them, you're just very tall. You've been wearing 2T clothing for about six months, but many pants and shorts in that size are too loose around your waist. Your shirts in that size are starting to get a bit short. I keep hoping you'll end up at a more normal height and weight because I'm nervous about finding you clothes you'll like and that will fit you when you get older.
You talk a lot. When you are awake, it's rare for you to be quiet. You even lay in your crib and talk to your animals or yourself sometimes. Mostly, you repeat things right now. "A cat! A cat!" or "A mommy! A mommy!" You do surprise me sometimes with sentences, and sometimes, it's a few sentences strung together. "Yay! I did it!" is a favorite of yours right now. You ask for your favorite foods or TV shows, and you sing the Batman theme song. You can kind of hum along to "Itsy Bitsy Spider," too. You can finish the simplified Bible verses from your preschool class, though there are times you want to finish all of them with "yight." I think the most touching thing you say right now is "I need my mommy!" right when you wake up in the morning. Often, you ask for Daddy first, but if you know he isn't home, it's Mommy.
Daddy is your favorite right now. I know it's because you miss him so much when he is gone. It usually doesn't bother me. I would be lying if I didn't admit there are moments when I feel a little jealous because I'm left out. Seeing the two of you together is so sweet, though.
Happy second birthday, Hudson! I can't wait to see what your third year of life has in store for all of us!