We tried to do the Whole 30. We lasted around 20 days. I'll share more about the failures and successes we encountered in another post, but I will say, I lost about 5 pounds without even following the rules all that strictly!
We went to Chicago for a few days to visit our friends, the Cernys, for Super Bowl weekend. Their son, David, is about three months younger than Hudson, and their daughter, Courtney, is nearly 4 years old. Hudson had a great time playing with the kids, and it was so good to see our dear friends. Though Dave has been on long Atlanta overnights a few times over the past couple years, it had been over two years since I last got to see Erin and Courtney!
After we came back, Trevor had recurrent training in Fort Lauderdale followed by a two day trip that began on Valentines Day. Right after he returned from that, he got a bad stomach bug that left him in pretty rough shape for four days. He ended up calling out sick for the trip right after his illness because he was still so weak, and he feared a relapse. We ended up using a lot of that extra time off to disinfect the house. Fortunately, Hudson and I didn't get sick!
Hudson turned 10 months old on February 23. His current favorite foods are blueberries, clementines, and grapes. He's walking along the edges of furniture, and trying to talk.
We hired Hudson's first real babysitter this past weekend so we could go on a date day. We went to lunch at Meat 'n Greet followed by an afternoon showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Hudson did really well with Miss Grace, and we can't wait to have her back again!
On Leap Day, Trevor spent the day in Atlanta renewing his passport. Because his job requires him to carry a passport, he has to go through the expedited passport process and visit the passport office. He got his passport the same day, but he had to come back several hours later. He visited a Lego outlet in Lawerenceville, ate lunch at Ikea, studied for his recurrent simulator session coming up later his week, and visited Trader Joe's while Hudson and I hung out at home.